wuyi shuixian
These hand-plucked oolong leaves from the Wuyi mountains, with their appearance of long, dark strands, produce a strong, full-bodied beverage with an orangey, amber hue, a spectacularly floral,...
View Articlewandering songstress cup and teapot
This stunning teacup-and-pot set features the historic Chinese form of glazing known as Celadon. Every Celadon glazed piece has unique crazing, a pronounced ‘crackle’ in the glaze, such that no two...
View Articlevoucher for wabi sabi afternoon tea
Buy a unique gift voucher for two people to enjoy an exquisite, serene teanamu chaya teahouse experience. Treat yourself and a loved one! The Wabi Sabi afternoon teaset menu includes a pot of...
View Articlevoucher for tea lover’s masterclass
Press the ‘pause button’ on life and completely unwind. Enjoy a delightful interlude in the calm oasis of teanamu chaya teahouse. You will lose all sense of time! Take part in the beautiful Chinese...
View Articlevoucher for ichi-go ichi-e afternoon tea
Buy a unique gift voucher for two people to enjoy an exquisite, serene teanamu chaya teahouse experience. Treat yourself and a loved one! The Ichi-go Ichi-e set menu includes a pot of exquisite premium...
View Articletian jian heavenly buds 2004 vintage
Tian Jian (the ‘Tip of Heaven’) is a piece of history. It was once reserved for wealthy merchants and for the family of the Emperor, who appreciated how soothing it is for the stomach after a fine...
View Articletea lovers masterclasss
Press the ‘pause button’ on life and completely unwind. Enjoy a delightful interlude in the calm oasis of teanamu chaya teahouse. You will lose all sense of time! Take part in the beautiful Chinese...
View Articlesnow chrysanths
Grown each summer in the remote Kunlun Mountains of Tibet, these tiny flowers make a beautiful maroon, wine-coloured tisane, slightly sour yet also sweet, in a way reminiscent of blackberries and...
View Articleshining moon green pu erh 2011 vintage
This is an interesting and unusual green Pu Erh tea cake which I chanced upon while rooting around in my tea master’s big clay Pu Erh collection urns. The Chinese name Yue Guang Bai means ‘whiteness of...
View Articlesan hua three flowers
Three Flowers herbal teas are the most beautiful infusions you will ever see, amazingly delicious to drink, and they’ll last for hours! One of our star attractions at Chaya Teahouse! We use...
View Articlesakura sencha
The sakura (cherry blossom) is a famous symbol of transience. When the sakura is in full bloom, Japanese like to gather under it with family and friends and sing of ‘cherry blossoms, in fields and...
View Articlerikyu sencha green tea (cold infusion)
Our Rikyu Sencha Iced Tea comes in a special, pyramid shaped, ‘cold infusion’ tea bag, each containing 5 grams of finely cut Rikyu Sencha leaves. It’s quick and convenient, ideal for picnics and days...
View Articleqizhong oolong
Our Qi Zhong (奇种, ‘Unusual Variety’) is made from long, twisted strands of Taiwanese Wenshan Pouchong [LINK], charcoal roasted at a medium heat, which imparts a mellow, yet refreshing, sugarcane-like...
View Articlepuffer fish gongfu tea ceremony set
The perfect starter gift set for practising the Chinese ‘gongfu’ tea ceremony: a beautiful ceramic ensemble consisting of teapot, serving pitcher and two matching teacups, finished in satiny eggshell...
View Articlepouchong oolong
With a delicate, orchid aroma, light yellow liquor and an almost sugar-cane sweetness, it is very pleasing and refreshing even on the hottest summer afternoon. It can be brewed at quite a low...
View Articleoriental beauty
Cultivated in a tea garden in Miaoli county, western Taiwan, the ‘sparrow’s tongue’ leaf combinations of Oriental Beauty (1 tea bud and 2 supporting leaves) are hand harvested in the summer and made...
View Articleorganic snow bud
This white tea has a thousand-year history and was a favourite amongst ancient scholars. It is known for its delicate, thread-like, dark green leaves laced with silvery, down-covered tips which open...
View Articleorganic golden monkey
About 25% black leaves and 75% golden leaf buds hand-twisted and curled to resemble the silhouette of a golden monkey. Only the top buds with one or two leaves are used from each tea bush. The buds and...
View Articleorganic dragon pearl jasmine
This intensely fragrant jasmine white tea hails from Fuding county in Fujian, southern China. Crafted from IMO-certified organic Da Bai tea leaves, our Organic Dragon Pearl Jasmine is made over two...
View Articlemi lan honey orchid phoenix
This ‘single bush’ oolong was picked from a rare tea tree on Phoenix mountain, legendary playground of demigods and fairies. It is one of only 3,000 trees directly descended from one of the famous 18...
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